My name is Cheryl Dominguez
My aim is to blow you away with how easy it is for your children to learn Spanish in a fun, creative and engaging way.

I was fortunate enough to be brought up in a bicultural family.
My mother and her side of the family are Scottish and my father and his side of the family are Spanish. I was born in Scotland and was initially raised to speak English. My father, however, exposed me to the Spanish language through play and song at home. At the age of five, I moved permanently to Spain, this is where my life as a multilingual began.
I had been exposed to both languages from a very young age which made it particularly easy for me to pick up Spanish as an additional language. Within four months I was completely fluent in Spanish and was picking up some Gallego which is the Regional language in Galicia, Spain and is very similar to Portuguese. I lived in Spain until the age of eighteen and whilst I was there I completed primary and secondary school before moving back to bonny Scotland.

Later in life, after searching for something I was passionate about and devoted to, I realised how much I really love children and how happy I feel when I am around them. I therefore decided to further my education and commenced an Early Education and Child Care course at Anniesland College for two years where I completed my NC and HNC. I then continued to study for another two years at The University of the West of Scotland where I completed my BA Degree in Childhood Studies. Since graduating from university I have been working as a CDO in various early years centres for GCC. This work has enabled me to gain in-depth knowledge of Curriculum for Excellence and hands-on experience working with children.

I consider myself very lucky to have the ability to speak four languages fluently; all achieved by the age of nineteen.
In addition to English and Spanish, I also speak Portuguese and Italian. I picked these languages up without any guidance from language books or formal classes but through travelling and talking to my foreign friends. I am very grateful to my parents for giving me the gift of two languages from a very young age. I want to pass this gift on to as many children as possible so that they too can enjoy the many advantages that learning an additional language can bring. I have travelled around the world and I have never struggled to communicate with anyone regardless of the language being spoken. I have also managed to complete my studies with very good grades. These were written in English which was not the language I was academically taught in through primary and secondary school. This was extremely challenging yet I gained distinction in my degree.
Please visit the links attached to this website for more information on the development of the brain and the advantages of teaching children an additional language from a young age. They are really interesting, educational and can open your mind to a whole new perspective.